As an addict involved in the LDS Addiction Recovery Program, I had to dig deep to find and embrace my inner Mormon. What follows is my journal from this point forward.
I'm a Mormon.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Bitter words

They told me to be more tolerant. I became more tolerant.
They told me to be more understanding. I strived to understand.
They told me to be less judgmental. I worked to see them in a better light.
They told me to be more accepting. I accepted them in to my home and my life.
They told me to be more charitable. I gave them all I had to give,

my house,
my trust,
my possessions,
my heart.

I tried to be better for them.
I only became better for me.
For when I asked something of them,
When I asked them to repent,
They called me names:


They said I lacked charity and understanding.
They said I was hate.

The words they asked of me were sweet, I followed after them.
The same words to them were bitter.
They only served to hide their corruption.

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