As an addict involved in the LDS Addiction Recovery Program, I had to dig deep to find and embrace my inner Mormon. What follows is my journal from this point forward.
I'm a Mormon.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

I Receive Too Few Letters Like Like This. I Should Correct This.

This letter from a friend whom I have only been distantly acquainted with until recently.  I needed to record this and consider I should live my life to have more of this.

I know I've said it before, but felt compelled to say it again. The whole [Name] family holds a special place in my heart, but your generosity and continued support just has meant a lot. You have a large beautiful family and to take the time you guys have, to do something like run a 5K at 51, and just be who you guys are is amazing. You've leapt across deep lines of faith to support genuine goodness and to me that what all faiths should represent! Families like yours are what real faith is to me. I'm on "the other side" in Utah and I'm happy to know people like you and am grateful we have a beautiful culture here in Utah that doesn't get enough credit on "the other side". I owe my family values to the Mormon religion and although our beliefs are different our values are the same. I deeply appreciate you and hope on this sabbath that you know that your faith spreads beyond the church doors and because of your faith I believe it's why you guys are who you are  Keep us in your prayers, as I'm sure you do, and I will do the same.

For me, this was worth mentioning.

Becky, I always think of you when I'm canning, ha ha! I loved spending that time at The [Name]. I don't remember [Name]'s kitchen being so hot during the process, but I love it nonetheless and it brings back wonderful childhood memories with you!

If you guys are ever in need, please don't hesitate to call on us. Really, anything.

Bob, keep training, your family's generosity has me wanting to torture you more  Not fundraising, but you kicked butt and should be proud, so gear up, I plan on seeing you in future races.

Okay, I think I got it all out.

Love you guys!


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